• Transactions
  • M&A / Private Equity
  • The 30 January 2024

Yards advises the Wisper Group on the sale of its subsidiary Avencall to the Volaris Group


The law firm Yards has advised the Wisper Group, an independent European software supplier, on the sale of its subsidiary Avencall to the Volaris Group.

Founded in 2009, Avencall develops digital products and services for public authorities and call centres, with the aim of transforming and improving unified communications and open source IP telephony.

Adopted by more than 700 private companies, public authorities, universities and call centres, Avencall is a subsidiary of the Wisper group, an independent European software publisher whose mission is to manage workstations without infrastructure, while reinforcing security and being particularly well-suited to hybrid working (identical work environments in the office and at home). Wisper is one of the leading software suppliers in the desktop virtualisation market, with over 30,000 licences deployed in more than 20 countries worldwide.

Founded in 1999, the Volaris Group, formerly the Trapeze Group, is a buy-and-hold acquirer of software companies. It acquires, strengthens and develops software suppliers in more than 50 countries, positioning it as one of the leaders in the software industry.

The Yards team comprised  Jean-Philippe Jacob, partner, Julien Brouwer, counsel, and Patricia Khoury, associate.



Jean-Philippe Jacob

Attorney, Partner
Jean-Philippe Jacob

Julien Brouwer

Attorney, Partner
Julien Brouwer

Patricia Khoury

Attorney, Associate
Patricia Khoury