• Transactions
  • M&A / Private Equity
  • The 25 March 2022

Yards advises start-up Inbolt in its €3 million Seed fundraising


Yards advised Inbolt in the context of the €3 million Seed round of financing subscribed by MIG Capital, SOSV, BNP Paribas Développement and Laurent Dassault.

This fundraising operation will allow Inbolt, a French start-up created in 2019, to accelerate the development of its business of designing a micro-location technology based on advanced 3D computer vision algorithms for all industrial production means.

The Yards team was composed of Jean-Philippe Jacob, Julien Brouwer and Alexandre Malek.

Villechenon & Associés, with Alexander Kotopoulis and Gaspard Revel, advised the investors.



Jean-Philippe Jacob

Attorney, Partner
Jean-Philippe Jacob

Julien Brouwer

Attorney, Partner
Julien Brouwer

Alexandre Malek

Attorney, Associate
Alexandre Malek